Funding the Network
Supported Churches will become Network supporters when they become full members of their Presbytery. The support rate will be a minimum of $1500 per year. Additional funds may be solicited from individual CREC Churches.
Founding Churches, and any other church with Board members, will fund the Network with a minimum of $2500 per year. Mother churches that request funding from the Network will become Network supporters when the supported church plant is financially independent from the Mother Church.
Network Administration
Initial administrative positions will be on a voluntary and unpaid basis. The Network Board will notify the CREC Presiding Minster of Council if they deem it necessary to hire administrative staff.
Network Accountability
• Provide a detailed financial report annually to the Presiding Minister of Council, who will distribute it to the presbyteries.
• If the Network disbands for any reason, remaining funds will be placed under the care of the church of the Presiding Minister of Council and will be dispersed at the direction of the CREC Council at its next meeting.
• The Network will also solicit feedback from CREC churches and presbyters on the work of the Network, suggested changes, future direction, and anything else for the good working of the church-planting Network.
Governing Rules
Quorum: Simple majority
Changing Founding Documents: 2/3
Majority Funding Churches and Planters: 2/3
Majority Adding New Board Members: 2/3
Majority Electing Officers: 2/3 Majority
What does the network do?
The Network exists to evaluate requests and distribute financial support for new church plants. The primary use of the funds is to call a minister for the task of planting. The Network is for new church plants and will not distribute funds to financially support previously existing churches. Supported churches must have called a church planting pastor for the new work.
Is the network responsible for overseeing the church?
No. The Network is not responsible for the pastoral oversight of the church plant or her minister. Oversight is the responsibility of the Mother Church of the plant.
What is the purpose of the network?
The Network desires to help planting churches develop good strategies to get mission churches up and running. With help from various resources inside and outside the CREC, we hope to create a good church-planting model. To this end, we will compile a list of best practices. The Network encourages churches and presbyteries to develop church planting strategies, host conferences and do fund raising designed to plant new churches.